By Carol Besler-Snell on 06/10/2016

FRAP (Frenetic Random Activity Periods)
What does it mean when your sweet, cute, gentle little pup suddenly shoots off the furniture, runs in circles, attacks any toy in sight, growls and barks like mad, and generally acts like a little kook? It means your puppy is having a FRAP episode. That stands for Frenetic Random Activity Periods.
As dog trainer and author Brian Kilcommons points out in his book, Good Owners, Great Dogs, FRAP episodes are normal for puppies—most have them 2 or more times a day while the pup is growing. These little bursts help the pup burn energy and see what limits he can push (just as human toddlers experiment with their own autonomy).
While often adorable, it is important that owners don’t give too much positive attention to the pup for these FRAP episodes (such as laughing or playing with the pup as he charges by), particularly if he is doing this inside and ruining things. He could interpret your laughter or interaction as praise for this unruly behavior. Outside episodes of FRAP are usually less destructive, but be sure your pup is in an enclosed area so he doesn’t run off.
The good news is that puppies DO grow out of FRAP in time! But even adult dogs have FRAP episodes sometimes. FRAP helps your dog tire themselves out mentally and physically. If we want to spur on a FRAP episode to get our dog excited, we can give the dog a quick “play bow” (bounce your arms down on the ground in front of him).
Another fun fact about FRAP: Most dogs also have FRAP episodes after bath time or when they are wet. There is nothing cuter than a wet puppy running around like a wild thing!
Check out this link to learn more about FRAP:
Or look at this fun video of a corgi FRAPing at the dog park!